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Tweets on How to Do Life (Part IV)

25 one-liners on on emotional health, thinking, education, policy, Big Questions

Every time I get what I believe is a fresh idea on how to live the life well-led, I archive it as a Twitter tweet. I have posted 2,316 tweets.

For, I've selected my favorite 100 and divided them into four posts. HERE is Part I. HERE. is Part II. HERE is Part III. And today, here is the final group of tweets.


Ironic that we derive our views on how to improve the world mainly from two groups that have opted out of it: professors & journalists.

Ever more news commentators are entertainers not experts.

The media hypes weather events to build ratings & to manip us into thinking they're caused by climate change and so we must do more to stop it.

Seeing an individual’s pain causes irrational policy decisions as well as personal ones.

It is dangerous to read only current thought. It's too reflective of the time's prevailing beliefs, e.g redistribution vs merit.

THE double standard: If a statement favors redistribution, it gets praised. If favoring meritocracy, it's usually censored &/or censured.

We're in a censorious era: Say the wrong thing & you're censured or fired, McCarthyism from the Left. Not all wisdom lives left of center.

"The people Americans most admire are the most daring liars; those most hated are those who try to tell them the truth." HL Mencken

Emotional Health

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends on our dispositions, not our circumstances." Martha Washington.

Major study finds regular pot smokers who started as teens permanently lowered IQ/memory:


In the name of rigor, courses focus too much on the hard and arcane, with too little weighing of whether it's the best use of student time.

Most people would rather be entertained than educated. So sugar-coat.

Banks are forced to modify (take a loss on) mortgages but colleges, which don't disclose risks, wring every penny even from its many unemployable grads.


Can there ever be enough jobs for America's 250MM, 1/2 with IQ of under 100? Unlikely in an info-based, global economy.

Even IT is suffering from US hiring drop. Govt mandates have made it cost-prohibitive to hire an American:

Govt can't claim to care about the poor when it creates/expands lotteries and casinos that prey mainly on the poor, who can least afford loss.

Jingoistic that pols sing "Buy American!" The foreign worker who "takes" a U.S. job improves his life more than the American loses.

Time: Debt is growing at four times the rate reported by govt...We are already bankrupt."

1/2 the U.S. isn't working or working at a lower-level than they could do. And millions more dislike their job. I see revolution.

Is it clear that democracy results in a net better nation than if leadership was comprised of many fields' luminaries?

Here's the 3-point plan for improving America that I wish a presidential candidate would propose:

My 12 Worries About America & What I'd Do About Them: a video (and text) of the stump speech I'd give if running for prez:

The Big Picture

"How many years it takes to learn the simple truth that work, that disagreeable thing, is the only way to not suffer in life." Baudelaire

Over time, culture becomes genetic. In choosing a mate, e.g., Culture A has long prioritized intelligence over looks; Culture B vice-versa.

7 billion people all trying to, in their own way, make things better. How can one not be an optimist about the world's future?

Marty Nemko's bio is in Wikipedia.

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