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Race and Ethnicity

The Ultimate Race Against Time

A self-assessment tool: Might you want to spend your time differently?

As we get older, we become more aware that the sand in our hourglass is falling, seemingly ever faster.

We all react differently. Some just shrug their shoulders. Others try to maximize the time they spend on what’s important to them. Some think, “Life’s short, eat dessert first.” So they buy stuff, travel as much as possible, and so on. Others spend more time with family, for example seeing the grandkids more often.

Others work more. Francis Crick, who won a Nobel Prize for co-discovering the DNA double helix, worked from his hospital bed even on the day he was to die of cancer. Similarly, Isaac Asimov, who had written over 450 books was asked, “What would you do if you had six months to live?” He replied, “Type faster.”

We’re all in the ultimate race against time. Perhaps the best we can do is to be more conscious of how we’ll spend that time. Perhaps answering these questions may help you do that.

Do you want to spend more or less time:

  • at work. In your current job? A different one? A completely different career?
  • at a sideline? An old one? A new one?
  • at a recreation(s)? (Specify:) An old one? A new one?
  • with your romantic partner? Finding a new one?
  • with family? (Specify:)
  • on charitable endeavors: Volunteering more? Spending more time figuring out how to make your charity dollars go further?
  • on travel?
  • on your health (exercise, weight-loss spa, getting your teeth fixed, etc)?

Now look at your list. Is there anything you’d like to commit to doing differently?

Marty Nemko's bio is in Wikipedia.

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