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How Practicing Humility Can Help Your Love Life

“A great man is always willing to be little.”—Ralph Waldo Emerson

Kristen Fuller
Source: Kristen Fuller

Humility is a simple human characteristic that is lacking in today’s society. We live in a world where it is “all about me”, from the upkeep of our physical appearances, our reputations on social media, self-gratifying behavior, and the obsession with money and consumerism, it is so easy to lose touch with placing others before ourselves. With an astonishing rise in divorce rates and an increase in individuals choosing to be single, we as humans must go back to the basics of kindness and humility.

It is not always about you

To be humble or practice humility means to value other people and their opinions without indulging in self-pride. Humility is the opposite of boastfulness, arrogance, and vanity. Oftentimes we are so concerned with winning the argument, making a point, being right, and correcting other people that we forget to listen to others and allow the unimportant things to dissipate.

Yes, there will always be that antagonizing individual in your life who always has to prove their point, but it is your choice to engage in their argumentative or opinionated behavior. You have the right to walk away from the conversation or to simply just agree with them in order to create peace. You always have the choice to practice humility even in the presence of chaos.

In a world filled with self-aggrandizing online dating profiles, it may be surprising to learn that humility is actually a direct expression of an individual who is truly confident and expresses high self-esteem.

How many of you have gone on a first date where the other individual talked about themselves the entire time and did not ask you a single question? By leaving "you" out of the date just a little bit, you allow yourself the freedom to discover whether this is someone you should be with.

Or what about that one friend who is always telling you about his or her own problems but never takes the time to ask how you are doing? Or that family member who never stops talking about a past unresolved issue? We all love to “toot our own horns,” however, it is not attractive, in any way.

Kristen Fuller
Source: Kristen Fuller

Staying humble to keep love alive

A humble person does not always have to prove their point, be right, or lead the conversation because they are truly comfortable with who they are. Being vulnerable and showing humility to a romantic partner can allow for better communication and trust to develop in the relationship. Being aware of what you don’t know and asking questions allows for learning to take place within a relationship and humble individuals are more likely to admit their faults, apologize, and practice forgiveness than an individual who is boastful or who is a narcissist.

Many conflicts and arguments within relationships can be easily fixed, however, the majority of individuals are more concerned with proving a point and being right rather than listening to the needs of their partner and trying to understand the underlying catalyst that initiated the argument in the first place. The goal of a relationship is to grow with your partner, not fight against them or come out winning. Practicing humility requires the following attributes:

  • Active listening
  • Taking a different perspective
  • Empathy
  • Admitting wrong
  • Apologizing
  • Being confident in what you don't know
  • Seeking forgiveness
  • Asking questions
  • Putting your relationship before your own personal needs
  • Serving others
  • Staying present
  • Practicing gratitude
Kristen Fuller
Source: Kristen Fuller

In terms of dating and relationships, there is a lid that fits every pot, however, it is easier to find the lid for your pot if you’re not blowing off every lid with steam, hot air, and arrogance.

More from Kristen Fuller, M.D.
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