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Monica Ricci
Monica Ricci

Packaging Is Everything

Does your outer packaging accurately depict who you are?

Have you ever chosen a product simply because of its packaging? Of course you have. We all have. Buying is an emotional process in which we weigh and make choices based on various pieces of input and packaging is a huge factor in that process. The package is what gives you the initial first impression and from there, you decide if you want to go any further or if you change direction.

We do the same with people. We tend to let our first impressions be the judge of whether we like a person, trust a person, or want to continue a relationship with a person. Is our first impression ALWAYS accurate? No. But the truth is that a lot of things can put forth a negative first impression and damage our chances of making a new friend, getting a job, or landing a new client. One of those things is disorganization. When your physical space is disorganized, or you're always running late, whether you want to or not, you can create a less than desirable first impression, which could cost you relationships or business. So what is your outer "packaging" saying about you?

Does your office or home appear cluttered and disorganized, or are you pretty in control of things and able to get it presentable in a few minutes? Are you on time for meetings or do you always seem to be screeching in just under the wire, or even a few minutes late trying to think of yet another plausible excuse? Are you damaging your relationships, your professionalism and eroding your confident sense of self by presenting a negative outer package to the world? If so, why?

Your outer packaging conveys things about you and creates first impressions. What impression does yours create?

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About the Author
Monica Ricci

Atlanta-based organizing expert Monica Ricci is the author of Organize Your Office In No Time, a busy person's guide to tackling clutter and disorganization at work.

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