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Ilana Donna Arazie
Ilana Donna Arazie

Create a Personal Revolution

Be the Change You Want to See

At my last “Something Different for Women” group we discussed the power of one person.

(Yes, I’m in a women’s group. No, we don’t chat about men. Well… Maybe sometimes.)

Jennifer Macaluso, the group’s leader, presented the idea of creating your own personal, nonviolent revolution. She brought up star chef Jamie Oliver, who decided to single-handedly combat childhood obesity and bring nutritious meals to schools. Oliver went to a town in West Virginia declared the most unhealthy in America (and a place where plus-sized caskets are a burgeoning business). Oliver showed students what vegetables looked like because, shockingly, many had no idea. Let’s just say he caused a bit of a riot when he removed french fries from the building.

This man is helping kids live healthier lives with his Food Revolution show. He’s proof that one person can make a difference. Gandhi advised we be the change we wish to see. Many change-makers in history made small, subtle moves that made great impacts. Rosa Parks propelled the anti-segregation movement by making a small choice to sit in a different seat.

Everything starts with you.

How can you be the change you want to see in your own life? Here are some tips to spotting your own revolution.

1. It has to be something you care about deeply and would be willing to devote your life, or at least a long time, to.

2. It’s something that will help others, as well as yourself.

3. It should have a long-term impact for the improvement of all.

This month, my women’s group assignment is for each of us to create a new, personal revolution. Each day, I will do two to three things to get me closer to creating real change. Think: mantras, reading biographies of people you admire, Oprah and Suzie Orman TV marathons.

My revolution has to do with living a non-traditional work life, doing what I love, inspiring others, and avoid cubicles at all costs. At all possible?

Well, if Oliver can get kids to give up Chicken McNuggets for baked aubergine fritters, then maybe I’ve got a real shot.

Check out Jamie Oliver’s Food Revolution on YouTube here.

What's your personal revolution? Tell us here!

About the Author
Ilana Donna Arazie

Ilana Donna Arazie is a video columnist and blogger looking for meaning and zen in New York City.

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