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A Higher Calling: 10 Habits of Happy Mothers!

The wonderful truth is that you are worth more than

Every mother is born to fill a higher calling. Every mother is gifted uniquely and she is to use those gifts to make her world better. A mother uses those gifts in parenting. Many mothers use them only there, but others use them outside their parenting. Whether you are workaholic who never sees her kids or a stay at home mom who feels unappreciated and don't think you are of great value you are woefully misguided in your thinking. Yes, your beliefs about your worth as a woman and mother may be skewed because you live in a world that doesn't like you very much. It tells you to keep up with too many things at once and since you can't, you work faster and longer and still don't feel like a failure in whole or in part. You may find yourself overcome by worry, whether anything you did that day was valuable. You kids woke up mad. Your husband told you that you don't pay enough attention to him and the truth is that you don't sometimes. Everywhere you turn you feel like you simply are not giving enough. You're not a good enough friend, wife or mother.

The wonderful truth is that you are worth more than you can imagine. There is a lie in the whole mess-you are not a failure. But you feel like one. I can confidently say this because, as a pediatrician, my job is to watch you and keep your kids healthy. And, when I see them, I see kids who love their mom. I see how your kids look at you, hang to your knees, and hold your hand. I see you more akin to how they see you-as a woman who is needed, loved and cherished.

More from Meg Meeker M.D.
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