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Aesthetics and Envy

A Reading of Unconscious Sources

Aesthetics and technology are hallmarks of civilizations, namely, their defining accomplishments. Both are tools to enrich life’s transformative and reparative journey. The entire range of aesthetic pursuits is one way that envy is uncovered and transformed.

Artist's Studio, F.J. Ninivaggi, M.D.
Source: Artist's Studio, F.J. Ninivaggi, M.D.

Individuals find themselves identified with a misperceived ordinary world where complacency and not a restless dissatisfaction is the norm. Settling for the 'status quo' may be accommodating to a deformity.

Some, however, break through callous perception and experience a rebellious call to adventure — a wish to approach and explore the extraordinary. One such impulse may be an attraction to art with its appeal of universal human themes — transcending individual heritage and ethnicities. Art also stands for sacred and visionary themes---metaphors at the base of hidden impulses, personal attitudes, and subtle inclinations.

Reluctance to approach the mischievous unknown — one’s unconscious mind — is an obstacle to exploring the aesthetic impulse. Misbelief in unconscious processes — hidden points of urgency — is triggered by fear and avoidance. For example, the query, “What do I tell myself about myself?” shows the degree of openness versus denial of one’s private unconscious mind, particularly if one questions its potential for goodness.

Crossing the threshold into aesthetics and separating from the crowd is stepping outside the black box of conventionality. Plunging into aesthetics requires awareness, surrender, and a falling into art. Great courage is needed since one may be skeptical of embracing the aesthetic, especially if conventional “beauty” is not apparent.

Envy makes everything bleak and etiolated---colorless. Envy is bitter and ugly.

Envy is the enemy of art.

The world of art can appear confusing, inconsistent, enigmatic, or even boring. Intimate encounters with art provoke strong emotions. These eruptions may trigger a wish to dismiss facing one’s unconscious world---a strange horde of nemesis, fantasy, and personal flaws. Understanding and refining the mind is an arduous journey.

Risk, however, may be offset with unparalleled benefits for self-development. Unexpected transformative feelings can result from aesthetics. A greater penetration into one’s unconscious roots has the power to stimulate a creative rapprochement. Sudden insight may be followed by the motivation to cultivate this. Perceptual, emotional, and thought elements gather and form coalitions helping one begin to become acquainted with who they are and may become.

Aesthetics, a reading of unconscious sources, calls forth awe and a reverence that may prompt personal change — openness to intellectual, relationship, and spiritual endeavors. Art counters the hidden sense of personal ugliness with a deeper sense of aspirational illumination, however fragile this insight may be.

Art may become a therapeutic spark that fosters self-reflection and uncovers moral relevance. Empathy, compassion for differences, sharing, generosity, and humane creativity become enhanced. Empathy can mitigate envy and colorlessness.

Aesthetics is a way of communicating — without words — aspects of one’s sublime unconscious with that of others. It is sensing the way others identify and relate to one’s own experience. Colors — dynamically organized — may evoke therapeutic processes that heal and restore. Art is both highly personal but also communal. It may be an underrated part of cultural transmission through family experience and childhood education.

In Biomental Child Development: Perspectives on Psychology and Parenting and Envy Theory: Perspectives on the Psychology of Envy, ( by the author) aesthetics is discussed.

Effective strategies for personal growth and creative enhancement are discussed in those books. Tools to approach unconscious processes are hinted at.

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