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I Am One, You Are One, We Are Altogether One...

Body-Mind-Soul-Spirit Part IV -- Spirit: What If God Was One of Us...

"Split a piece of wood, you will find me. Turn over a rock, and I will be there."

This quote, taken from the Gospel of Thomas, epitomizes Spirit in its suggestion that God is everywhere. The point that Jesus of Nazareth was making with this statement was that he, much like Gautama Buddha and other avatars that came before and after him, had come to a personal identification with God, recognizing that God was within him, God was him and he was God.

These days, statements like that would probably get you locked up in a psych ward. But in truth, this experience is at the core of enlightenment, rapture, satori, samadhi and epiphany.

For more than 4000 years scholars, theologians and philosophers have sought to answer the question, "What is the True Name of God?" Gaia, Brahma, Jehovah, Yahweh, Allah, Tao, The Great Spirit, the Universal Oneness -- and their avatars Jesus Christ, Buddha, Lao Tzu, Shiva, and Mohammed -- all point us in the same direction. The answer, of course, is ME! -- as in you; God, by whatever name S/he is called, is within all of us.

So, tomorrow morning when you're shaving or putting on your makeup, take a moment to recognize that you are looking into the eyes of God. And, during the course of the day, when your boss gets on your nerves or your kids are making you crazy or someone cuts you off on the highway or the dog chews up your favorite slippers, take a breath and remember that God lives there, too.

I am One, you are One, we are all together One.

Namaste. (S., "I honor the Light in you.")

© 2008 Michael J. Formica, All Rights Reserved

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