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Deep Ecology and Evolution of Consciousness: Part 5 of 5

What's the way forward to a life-sustaining society? Can we get there from here?

In this series, I am using chakras as a metaphor for stages of civilization that could occur as the majority of people experience levels of consciousness associated with the various chakras, which are energetic vortices in the subtle body.

It seems that humanity is on the brink of bringing this vision into manifestation: In a sixth chakra civilization, with a fourth chakra heart opening, humans’ connection to the rest of the planet would be experienced, known, and acknowledged by the majority of people. More frequently, wealthy people are investing vast sums into life-sustaining endeavors such as improving educational opportunities in inner cities, providing immunizations to children in developing countries, and developing alternative sources of renewable energy. Environmental organizations are succeeding at protecting relatively large tracts of contiguous land, sometimes entire ecosystems. Respected scientists, religious leaders and politicians are speaking out about the threat of global warming.

An alternative outcome that also seems likely if humanity’s level of consciousness is not raised is large-scale collapse of the industrial growth societies. The United States, arguably the most powerful country in the world is heavily invested in the military-industrial complex. The Obama administration continues to expand drilling for oil in the fragile Arctic region, home to polar bears, whose populations are already stressed by melting ice caused by global warming. Amidst the hopeful glimpses of the emergence of a life-sustaining society, the power-elite continue to lead the churning of the industrial growth society, resulting in increasing rates of ecological destruction and human suffering.

Will humanity awaken in time, or will civilization collapse into a dictatorship or collection of fiefdoms, characterized by fear and chaos? What, if anything, can one do to increase the chances of the emergence of life-sustaining societies on a global scale? Is there a way to catalyze spiritual awakening? Is there a way to awaken wisdom and compassion through the blur of media blitz and the exhaustion of keeping pace with the industrial growth society? How can people be freed from fear, greed, hate, and delusion?

Although organized religion has been used as a tool of repression, and religious fundamentalism is used as a tool of violence, it seems that the answer nonetheless lies in the embrace of spirituality. Einstein has said that one can’t solve a problem using the same methods of thinking that created it. If the industrial growth society has grown from the reductionist, materialistic worldview, then the life sustaining society could be created from a worldview based on wholeness and spirituality.

This is the worldview of deep ecology, which acknowledges the reality of spirit and values intuitive knowing. This doesn’t mean turning one’s back on rational thinking and the scientific method. This is a both-and reality. Both intuition and reason are valid. Both matter and spirit are real. Both scientific method and ethical values are necessary in the creation of technologies that will serve a life-sustaining society. Perhaps the challenge will be to embrace a multicultural spirituality and create a society that honors the sacred, without losing the gifts of reason and science.

What do you see as obstacles to peace, social justice, and environmental protection? What do you see as the way forward to a life-sustaining society? Can we get there from here?

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