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An Unresolved Heart

Feeling Whole Again After Divorce Can Take a While

Be patient with all that is unresolved in your heart.
~ Rainer Maria Rilke

Ending a marriage or a long-term relationship leaves empty spaces in the hearts of those who are grieving. These empty spaces cannot be filled with just any new thing. Enough time needs to pass to fully heal the heart and soul. Waiting for this to happen is one of the hardest parts of getting to the other side of the divorce process.

There is a saying that goes "the only way out is through," and this definitely applies to anyone grieving. There are no shortcuts. And often, the more you try to control or stop yourself from feeling the sadness, pain, and hurt, the more you actually prolong these feelings because you're not allowing them to be. It is only by sitting with the discomfort and allowing it to be, that is, allowing yourself to really feel your pain, that the emotions eventually diminish and the healing can take place.

What you need to know and understand is that a state such as depression or intense sadness is a healthy and appropriate response to the end of your marriage. You may not feel this sadness right away, or as intensely as someone else who has been through a divorce, but your pain is your pain. Do what you can to acknowledge it and let it be what it is. It will eventually pass and you will heal.


I cannot force my heart to feel whole again. I will wait for resolution patiently.

(The above passage was excerpted from Susan Pease Gadoua's second book, Stronger Day by Day, Reflections for Healing and Rebuilding After Divorce, with permission by New Harbinger Publications, Inc.)

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