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Communication Success with Different Personality Types

How to communicate effectively with different personality types

“The secret to success is to understand the point of view of others."

Henry Ford

What is human behavior? In what ways are we similar and different? How can we successfully communicate with one-another?

My book “Communication Success with Four Personality Types” is an interpretation of some of the most popular personality tests used by organizations in hiring, professional development, and performance evaluation. The purpose of the reference guide is to present an overview of four major personality types, identify their strengths and weaknesses, and provide information on how to communicate more effectively with each type as family, friends, colleagues, manager, and customers.

The four personality types are: The Helpful Nurturers, the Creative Idealists, the Cerebral Realists, and the Strategic Directors. Most of us have a dominant personality type, with one or two secondary types. These traits can change and evolve over time*.

Each of the four personality types also has a higher and a lower maturity version. While the higher maturity version of each type generally succeeds in life, both personally and professionally, the lower maturity version typically suffers from specific problems.

Here are some of the most dominant traits of each type:

The Helpful Nurturers tend to be “nice”, supportive, sensitive, and friendly.

The Creative Idealists tend to be energetic, motivating, persuasive, and fun.

The Cerebral Realists tend to be detail oriented, task driven, analytical, and matter of fact.

The Strategic Directors tend to be powerful, achievement conscious, control oriented, and productive.

Below is a description of the Helpful Nurturer personality type.

Common Professions: People-oriented and service professions, such as nursing, counseling, social work, K-6 education, executive assistant, and customer service.

Traits: Sociable. Value interpersonal relationships. Subjective decision-making. Conduct often based on values and intuition. Emotion oriented. Persuasive. Take care of others. Often embrace supportive roles. Romantic introvert.

Challenges: Personal feelings can get in the way of objectivity. Can be too Passive. Can’t say “No”. Conflict avoidant. Take care of self last. Sacrifice for others at expense of self.

Relationship with Other Types:

Idealist positive: Admire Idealists. Want energy to rub-off. Want to be part of the fun.

Idealist negative: Overwhelmed by high energy of Idealist.

Realist positive: Glad capable Realist can handle details of task.

Realist negative: Think of Realist as cerebral, cold and impersonal; lacking human sensitivity and consideration.

Director positive: Feel supported by “people person” Director.

Director negative: Find Director intimidating and domineering.

In Summary: For a Nurturer, a day without a smile, kind words, and friendliness from others is like a flower without air, sunshine, and water. The flower will wilt, just as the Nurturer’s heart will grieve. Love and appreciate a Nurturer, and the Nurturer will love and appreciate you back ten-fold.

Source: niprestondotcom

Click here and download a free excerpt of "Communication Success with Four Personality Types (click on title)" to learn more about the Nurturer's core needs, core fears, as well as how to communicate effectively with Nurturers as family, friends, colleagues, managers, and customers.

Also available (click on title):How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People

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© 2014 by Preston C. Ni. All rights reserved worldwide. Copyright violation may subject the violator to legal prosecution.


*It's important to note that this material is for reference only. There’s always a risk with personality sorters of putting people in boxes. Even when a person clearly matches one personality type, not everything written about the type may match the person. We’re far too complicated to fit neatly into broad categories.

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