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Announcing: The PT Psyku Challenge

Turn on the creative machinery—rise to the PT challenge!

Turn on the creative machinery. Amp up the wit.

You know what haiku are. We invite you to create haiku with a psychological twist—and as far as we're concerned, the more twisted the better!

Haiku are short, pithy nuggets of unrhymed verse generally consisting of three lines arrayed in 5, 7 and 5 syllables respectively.

You are invited to submit up to three haiku that in some way relate to everybody's favorite subject-the intricacies and oddities of human behavior. Of course, that covers just about everything, so there is no excuse for not having enough latitude.

The idea for psyku comes from psychologist/writer Steve Brody in Cambria, California, fellow and past president of the division of media psychology of the American Psychological Association.

Here are a couple of samples from Brody, to help push you off the creative cliff:

She tries on his ring,
Hoping it works, but inside
She can't pull it off.

In meditation,
Sue wrestles with her ego;
She prays no one wins.

The winning entries will be published in the July/August issue of Psychology Today and then posted online.

You can either post your entries as comments to this blog post or send them by email to me:

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