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Office Space: Designs Which Make You Work Harder

What type of office space will boost productivity and cultivate creativity?

Ode to the cubicle, eh? Immersed in a sea of gray walls, bland carpeting and flourescent lighting, an office's aesthetics may literally make or break your productivity. According to a piece in The Wall Street Journal, four design firms were challenged to envision space that would boost productivity and cultivate creativity.

With an unlimited budget and completely blank slate, turns out the four different imaginative designs had common themes such as virtual fishbowls, openness, and of course, wireless technology. Looks like the old-fashioned corner office and towering mahogany executive desks may be an office faux pas as are endless hallways of filing cabinets and piles of paper.

According to the piece whereby the International Facility Management Association, about 30% of offices expecting to expand in the next few years and 38% of office buildings redesigning space in the past year, it's a hot topic in this information age.

So, the question is. If you could change one or two things about your current office to boost your productivity, what would it be? For starters, I'm a big fan of windows and natural sunlight, as well as colorful workspaces instead of bland shades of gray.

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