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A Trans-species Resolution for the Lunar Eclipse

Elephant lives and the shock of human violence


Photo by Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

Like people on the moon I see, are things not meant to be.

—James Taylor, Long Ago and Far Away


Photo by Cyril Christo and Marie Wilkinson

Like people on the moon I see, are things not meant to be.

Today's Times of India posted an article about a bull elephant, also referred to as a "tusker." It reads:

A tusker that had sustained a bomb injury two days ago died on Sunday night in Pungiri village in West Midnapore's Nayagram. The autopsy on Monday, however, couldn't determine whether the elephant had succumbed to the bomb injury in its forehead or a heart attack it suffered due to the sound of bombs villagers burst to scare it away.

For the first time since 1378, a total lunar eclipse of a full moon falls on the winter solstice.Like people on the moon, Elephants dying from the shock of human violence is a thing not meant to be. In recognition of the cosmos, of things and events that move and turn despite humanity, let us all make a pledge to stop our violence so that no more elephants will ever perish because of human folly. Will never die of shock from a bomb. Will never fall to their knees broken at the sight of their childrens' bodies mutilated by guns and knives.

Let the animals live in peace. Let us all live in peace, once and for all.

Gay Bradshaw is executive director of The Kerulos Center and author of Elephants on the Edge. What Animals Teach Us about Humanity (2009, Yale)


Times of India. 2010. Tusker dies after injury in bomb. The Times of India. Retrieved December 19, 2010 from…

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