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Dust in the Wind?

Curious, what does this bring up for you?

There are a lot of elderly folks, many of them widows and widowers, who live in my building.

Every winter, a parade of dumpsters end up alongside the building.

Vessels that port away the contents of the homes of those who've passed.

My apartment looks down on the spot where the dumpsters get dropped.

The image you are looking at replaces itself on a regular basis.

Precious items, keepsakes, valuable mementos, furniture, marvelous art all sent to landfill.

This is what's left of someone's life. Not the experiences, but the stuff.

Curious, what does this bring up for you?

What's the take-away?

Jonathan Fields is an attorney turned serial-entrepreneur, business strategist, speaker and author. He writes about the creativity, innovation, embracing uncertainty, leadership, entrepreneurship, mindfulness and lifestyles at Jonathan's latest book, Uncertainty: Turning Fear and Doubt Into Fuel For Brilliance, is due out in September 2011 from Penguin/Portfolio. When not deep into the process of creation, you can usually find him dancing around his living room with his wife and daughter.

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