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A Heartwarming Elephant Calf Rescue: Love Abounds

Watch and listen to this video of a most amazing rescue of a baby elephant

They say a picture is worth a thousand words. Well, this amazing and heartwarming rescue of a baby elephant who fell into a well and the reunion of the calf with her mother can't possibly be cashed out in words, but I'm sure you will be moved to tears of joy.

Watch and listen to this video taken in the Amboseli National Park. The clearly and highly distressed mother allows humans to rescue her eight-month-old calf from a well into which the youngster fell. When the young calf gets out of the well she runs to her mother and their reunion, accompanied by raucous roars of joy, will move you to tears.

The full description of the rescue can be found here. The teaser image can is from the video.

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