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Animal Behavior

Rewilding Rhea: Good News For An Injured Osprey

This wonderful video about Rhea the osprey is worth countless words

Just after I published my brief essay on the egregious taunting of a bull in the Azores I received an email that made me smile. In response to the video of the incredible abuse of this helpless bull people asked me for some "good news". I couldn't agree more and began searching for something to post.

Timing is everything and just as I was shutting down my computer veterinarian and wildlife rehabilitator Dr. Daniela Castillo told me about the successful release of Rhea, an osprey who had been injured by a lightning rod in Tallahassee, Florida. And there's more to the story. Dr. Castillo told me that about 10 minutes after she was released Rhea came back to the release site with a male who seemed to be her partner. What good news for everyone involved!

This wonderful video about the rewilding of Rhea is worth countless words. Watch it and smile and know there are many people out there working selflessly on behalf of animals who need our help.

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