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Animal Behavior

Jane Goodall: A brief glimpse of a most amazing woman

Where would we be without Dr. Goodall?

Jane Goodall is a most amazing woman. This year marks 50 years of research on chimpanzees in Tanzania, formerly Tanganyika. It's impossible to summarize all of Dr. Goodall's contributions (see for an excellent biography; see also and here for a summary of her Roots & Shoots programs), but a web search for "Jane Goodall" will surely keep you busy for a long time. As someone who's worked with Jane I can only say it's been an honor and pleasure to do so and to learn from her wide-ranging wisdom. We can only hope Jane continues on for a long time and that there are others who will go on to do such extraordinary work in so many different areas. It's difficult to imagine that a single person could fill her shoes. It frightens me to think where we would be if Jane hadn't made that fateful trip to East Africa.(The accompanying picture shows Jane, me, and Mr. H., Jane's traveling companion.)

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