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Verified by Psychology Today

The Male/female Thing

Presents a list of male and female percentages on various subjects. People who watch soap operas; People that think pornography leads to rape; Ratio of secondary-school teachers; Average number of facelifts performed each day; People who cry when they feel blue; People who frequently pray; People who use deoderant; Much more.

Male Female

Percentage of people who really like to 7% 33%

watch daytime soaps

Percentage of people who think that 45% 61%

pornography leads to rape

Percentage of people depicted masturbating 5% 95%

in X-rated movies

Number of people who hunt or shoot 17 mil. 3 mil.

Percentage of husbands and wives who think 32% 46%

private time is important

Percentage of people who think their daily 13% 9%

existence is exciting

Percentage of people who didn't take a 11% 19%

vacation last year

Average number of people who buy cars 21,000 16,000

each day

Percentage of people who are dissatisfied 15% 3%

with the size of their sex organs

Average amount of fat in a person's body 42% 31%

Percentage of people who clean their belly- 129 130

button every day

Average number of facelifts performed 33 52

each day

Average number of articles of clothing 17% 48%

Bought each year

Percentage of people who feel guilty 1% 1%

After eating candy

Percentage of people who consider the 30% 30%

bathroom their favorite room in the house

Percentage of people who really like caviar 16% 2%

Percentage of people who have a beer 4% 23%

before they eat

Percentage of people who cry when they 53% 38%

feel blue

Percentage of people whose favorite color 19% 6%

is blue

Percentage of people who sleep in the nude 17% 83%

Male/female ratio of elementary-school 53% 47%


Male/female ratio of secondary-school 89% 11%


Male/female ratio of tenured college 25% 58%

faculty members

Percentage of people who think the income 9% 4%

earned by their mate is important

Percentage of high school seniors who rate 28% 17%

their intelligence as far above average

Percentage of people who think the President 8% 13%

of the United States is underpaid

Percentage of people who frequently talk 55% 34%

to themselves

Percentage of time people control the 71% 54%

television's remote control

Percentage of people who think a bowel 51% 49%

movement each day is essential for good

digestive health

Percentage of adults who think there are 8% 8%

more advantages in being a man than a woman

Male/female ratio in the military 89% 11%

Percentage of people who believe in the 41% 32%

existence of life somewhere else in the


Percentage of people who frequently pray 26% 39%

Percentage of people who never pray 20% 8%

Percentage of people who have done 73% 61%

something they regard its dishonest

or unethical

Percentage of people who say they arc 54% 60%

honest all the time

Percentage of people who consider 90% 90%

themselves happy

Percentage of characters on prime-time 12% 3%

TV who have gray hair

Percentage of characters on prime-time 7% 35%

TV who have blond hair

Male/female ratio of television 79% 21%

news reporters

Male/female ratio of television 91% 9%

news experts

Percentage of people who look forward to 20% 37%

having the telephone ring

Percentage of people who use deodorant 86% 92%

Percentage who consider themselves 42% 28%

handsome or pretty

Male/female ratio: Who prepares the food? 24% 78%

Percentage of people who begin at least 25% 65%

one diet a year

Percentage of people over 80 who have 63% 30%

sexual intercourse

Percentage of people who cite women's lib 15% 3%

as a cause of divorce

Percentage of people who speak to their 64% 72%

parents at least once a week

Percentage of people who many 61% 22%

younger people

Percentage of people who say their sex 77% 82%

life suffered after they became parents